Pay Raise Power Hour

Are you ready to make the money that you deserve? ☀️

You’re in the right place to ensure that you’re being paid fairly, to ask for the money that you’re well-qualified for, and to receive tips, tricks, and resources in a supportive, empathetic space.

This call is completely tailored to you and your pay goals, so that you leave each call feeling prepared and confident about your next steps!


A Pay Raise Power Hour is for you if…

✅ You have a job offer in-hand, know you want to negotiate, but you’re a NERVOUS WRECK! 🙌

✅ You’re job searching and want to set up a great salary negotiation strategy before receiving a job offer

✅ You are overall content in your job, but you would be happier with MORE money. You’d like to talk through if that’s possible in your job, and if so, what does it even look like!

✅ You’re wanting to explore roles that make more money, but you’re not sure where to start

✅ You've been offered a promotion and want to ensure the salary increase reflects your new responsibilities

✅ You're a recent graduate and you’d like to understand how to negotiate a starting salary

✅ You’re in the thick of a job search, and you don’t know if you’re asking for enough money 🙏

Glenda, User Experience (UX) Professional

“Nicole was able to coach me through a big career transition. I was hesitant and scared about taking a different path at a peak point in my career. She was able to help guide me through rediscovering talents that I wasn’t acknowledging.

It was empowering, and I ultimately was able to land a great job in a dream work place making the money that I deserve.”



Make money, get what you deserve 🙏

Are you ready to be properly compensated for doing great work? Are you ready to spend just one hour to potentially make lots more money? Are you totally nervous about negotiating, but excited to advocate for what you're worth? Fantastic! 🤑 I'm here to help you on every step of the process.

With 12+ years of recruiting and career access experience, I’ve set and negotiated hundreds of pay rates and salaries. I’ve been the person on the other side of the negotiation table, taking what a candidate asks for to executive leadership, financial planning, and human resources teams, to ensure that both the company and candidate are able to arrive at a mutually agreeable number. Now, at Career Coach Nicole LLC, I’m ready to spill the secrets of salary negotiation so that you can get the pay rate that you deserve!

This is a judgment-free zone designed to alleviate any apprehensions you may have about asking for more money. In this space, you can openly express your uncertainties and receive empathetic guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. All questions and inquiries are welcome (without judgment), and that's precisely what you can expect from the Pay Raise Power Hour. ☀️

Wondering how the Pay Raise Power Hour works? Let me break it down for you:

The Pay Raise Power Hour is super simple:

⭐️ Schedule a 60-minute video call via Zoom, exclusively tailored to your needs. Prior to our discussion, I'll send you an intake survey to ensure I'm well-prepared for our conversation! I’ll draw upon my industry knowledge and research your industry to ensure you’re approaching this with your best foot forward. ⭐️

That's all there is to it! My goal is to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve!


“Nicole makes you feel like your career is the most important thing to her. She is genuine, enthusiastic, and has made me feel at ease prior to interviews for jobs.

She is a wealth of knowledge and knows how to help you identify your strengths and skills. You will walk into your interview feeling confident with consulting with Nicole!”

Morgan, Human Resources Professional



Here’s what’s included with booking your Pay Raise Power Hour:

One live, 1:1 Zoom call for 60 minutes

Discount code on a Resume Refresh service

Even better, here’s what you’ll achieve after our time together:

🔥 Renewed confidence in asking for the compensation you deserve

Value: Endless!

🔥 Knowledge about best practices that you can take into all future salary negotiations

Value: Inestimable!

🔥 Peace of mind knowing you’re advocating for yourself

Value: Vast!

🔥 Inspiration to share job negotiation tips and tricks with your network

Value: Unbounded!

🔥 Possibly MORE MONEY for your great work - let’s go!!!!!

Value: Infinite!

Ready to turn the chapter? Let's chat and make it happen.

I’m so excited to work with you and put your best foot forward in salary negotiations! 👏👏

Ready to get started? Let’s do it!

Your checkout is managed through Paperbell and Stripe, and both are secure platforms. 💕💕

Rachel, Higher Education Professional

Nicole asks the hard and important questions that are necessary if one wishes to progress along their professional trajectory.

Nicole’s dedication to listening, providing healthy pushes, and being someone you can always count on makes Nicole one of the best career coaches I have interacted with.”



Questions? I have answers!


Q: what job industries do you work with?

A: In summary, I assist professionals across all industries and job roles!

I have firsthand experience in diverse fields such as higher education, non-profits, the arts, banks, agriculture, farming, aerospace engineering, retail, and tech/SaaS. Additionally, I have successfully hired professionals in business enablement (legal, HR, marketing, finance, etc.), engineering, product, tech operations, and early careers sectors.

While each industry may have variations in hiring practices and setting pay rates, the fundamentals remain consistent. I am confident in my ability to support you on your journey, irrespective of your industry or job!

Q: I might need more help than just one session. what does that look like? Could I get a discount on future sessions?

A: Short answer: yes! When booking this service, you’ll receive a discount code. This code is intended for referrals, but you can use it yourself to book additional sessions.

Long answer: I’d love to chat with you more than once, and I’ve even designed this service to serve future bookings easily. This service is designed to be “a la carte,” so you can return at any point and rebook future services. If you’re in the middle of a salary negotiation, you might want to hop on a call a couple of times in one week. If you’re in a long-term career shift, you might want to book one call then return later to book another as things change. How far out you space our calls are totally up to you, and your discount code won’t expire! 👏👏

Q: This looks great, but I could use help in various areas, not just Salary negotiation. What service would be a best fit for me?

If you’re looking for diverse help in your career, and not just in the pay arena, you can book an Ask a Career Coach Call!

Q: What is the difference between this service and the Ask a Career Coach Call?

These calls are incredibly similar in format, but they differ in their topics only! Both are one hour, Zoom-based conversations where we’ll spend time focusing on what’s most important to you - whether that’s compensation or other career strategy! Prior to the call, you’ll complete an intake survey where you can indicate exactly what you’d like to talk through to ensure you’re being served well.

Q: How do I book a Pay Raise Power Hour?

A: Follow this link! You’ll be walked through scheduling, a service agreement, and payment processing via Paperbell and Stripe - both secure platforms!


About Nicole


Hi, nice to meet you - I’m Nicole! 👋 I'm here to close the opportunity gap through resources and connection.

Fast facts about me:

  • Experienced recruiter with 10+ years in career access industry

  • First-generation college graduate

  • Neurodivergent, biracial woman

I’m here to:

  • Share everything I know about accessing career opportunity

  • Help you achieve your next career goal

  • Work with you to unblock your career pathway, from Resume Refreshes to hopping on a call 🔥🔥

I believe:

  • Everyone should have access to job opportunity

  • Everyone is on their own journey

  • Knowledge is wealth - spread it!

Education, job opportunity, and prosperity should be equitable and accessible to all. Join me in creating a ripple effect of positive change - one resume edit at a time!
