Career Pivot Package ☀️

Are you ready to transform your career? Introducing the Career Pivot Package—the perfect next step for those serious about making changes in their career. 🔥

This package includes six personalized coaching calls, accompanied by a comprehensive Resume Refresh, to propel your career forward. Each call is devoted to addressing your career roadblocks and goals, empowers you with industry-tried resources, and will ensure you feel confident and ready-to-kick-ass after each session.

This is for you if you are seeking accountability, serious about a career change, and excited to make a big shift happen, all with tailored support!


This coaching package is the perfect fit for you if…

✅ You’re absolutely ready for the next step of your career, and it can’t get here fast enough 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

✅ You’re in the thick of job hunting and interviewing and needing support through the process

✅ You’re transitioning job titles or industries, and you need help with making that big leap

✅ You need an outside perspective on a job search that feels way, way too big! 😖

✅ You’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and need motivation on your journey

✅ You wish you could ask salary-related questions to someone who knows industry compensation pay grades

✅ You’re an accountability fiend - nothing better than having a scheduled call with a career coach to keep things moving! 🔥

Glenda, User Experience (UX) Professional

“Nicole was able to coach me through a big career transition. I was hesitant and scared about taking a different path at a peak point in my career. She was able to help guide me through rediscovering talents that I wasn’t acknowledging.

It was empowering, and I ultimately was able to land a great job in a dream work place making the money that I deserve.”



Tailor-made, just for you

It's time to transform your career! You deserve customized support on your career journey, especially if you’re planning to make a big change. In each call, we will align on your short and long-term needs. In combination with my professional expertise, you’ll have a personalized, realistic plan to transform your career. 👌 No more "one size fits all" advice from well-meaning family members! No more Googling how to negotiate a salary! In the Career Pivot Package, you'll have sustained support over a long period of time from an industry expert.

In this package, flexibility is key. You will receive six, hour-long Zoom career coaching consultation calls in addition to a Resume Refresh. In scheduling your calls, the schedule is in your hands. While I suggest a weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly rhythm for an optimal journey, you have complete control over how often we connect. Need a swift transition into a new job? Let's aim for weekly sessions! If you prefer to take it slow, every three weeks could be the perfect pace. It's entirely your call (no pun intended!).

But what will we talk about?

Say less! With my expertise in recruiting, higher education, and servant leadership, I specialize in providing valuable guidance in the following areas to best serve your needs:

  • You deserve fair compensation… hell, you also deserve overflowing compensation! Not only have I helped many women negotiate their salaries, I know what I’m talking about.

    With years of corporate recruiting experience, I’ve sat on the other side of the table as the recruiter in countless salary negotiations. Inside of companies, I’ve taken candidates’ salary requests to hiring managers, financial planning teams, and executive leadership. I know the inner mechanics and what you need to say to navigate a process that can be REALLY DAUNTING, but will be REALLY REWARDING!

  • Truth or myth?

    Applying for jobs is a numbers game. (True.)

    Not every job board is created equal. (True.)

    You should spend a long time making sure your job application is perfect. (False)

    You don’t have any options to make your job search more impactful. (False!!!!!!!)

    In this call, we’ll assemble a strategy to take the building blocks of a job search and optimize them for your success!

  • I’ve interviewed thousands of people, and I know what recruiters and hiring managers are wanting to hear during an interview. Together, we can assemble an interview strategy and talking points to make sure you’re prepared to showcase your biggest strengths!

  • Leadership is a journey, and as a coach, I specialize in supporting new and emerging leaders.

    Did you know that women only account for 35% of senior leadership roles in the workforce? I provide a space where you can openly discuss the challenges you face and transform them into stepping stones towards success. Together, we will nurture your leadership style, navigate your leadership pathway, and set up a plan to embrace diversity, inclusion, and engagement on your team.

  • I offer invaluable insights and guidance to help you navigate diverse work environments, drawing from my deep understanding of the intricacies of company culture gained through years of working within human resources teams and on company enrichment committees. From farms to banks and everything in between, I've seen it all!

    Whether you're assessing a company's culture during your job search or seeking support to navigate workplace challenges, I'm here to provide the guidance and assistance you need. Together, we can discuss and address any concerns or questions you may have, ensuring you feel supported and empowered in your professional journey.

  • Needing to build a network and stuck where to start? I got you! Together we can discuss strategies to meet new people, engage your existing network, and identify how your connections can expand your possibilities.

  • No matter your current job, you’ve got dozens of skills that would bring value to new jobs or industries. Together we can identify your transferable skills and how to make the best use of them in your job search — from talking points during interviews to considering new jobs or industries that might not currently be on your radar!

Ready to transform your career? Don’t wait - let’s get you on the path to your next move ASAP!


“Nicole makes you feel like your career is the most important thing to her. She is genuine, enthusiastic, and has made me feel at ease prior to interviews for jobs.

She is a wealth of knowledge and knows how to help you identify your strengths and skills. You will walk into your interview feeling confident with consulting with Nicole!”

Morgan, Human Resources Professional



Here’s what’s included in the Career Pivot Package:

Six live, 1:1 Zoom calls for 60 minutes each

Your Resume Refresh (a PDF and video combo with recommendations on how to take your resume to the next level!)

BONUS: List of 150+ action verbs for use on your resume

BONUS: Nicole’s top 10 job search tips

BONUS: Discount code on any future services (a 10% discount!)

Even better, here’s what you’ll achieve after our time together:

🔥 Radiant confidence with the next step in your career

Value: Endless!

🔥 Control of your professional development and growth

Value: Inestimable!

🔥 Peace of mind knowing you’re moving in the right direction

Value: Vast!

🔥 Inspired, emotional momentum to make your next career steps feel effortless

Value: Unbounded!

🔥 Specific and personalized answers to your burning career questions

Value: Infinite!

Ready to transform your career? Let's make it happen.

I’m so excited to work with you on the next step to transform your career! 👏👏 By booking through the calendar below, you’ll be signing up for your first of six sessions. The following five sessions can be booked immediately after completing your purchase, or we can discuss the right cadence in this first call - up to you!

Ready to get started? Let’s do it!

Your checkout is managed through Paperbell and Stripe, and both are secure platforms. 💕💕

Rachel, Higher Education Professional

Nicole asks the hard and important questions that are necessary if one wishes to progress along their professional trajectory.

Nicole’s dedication to listening, providing healthy pushes, and being someone you can always count on makes Nicole one of the best career coaches I have interacted with.”



Interested in The Career Pivot Package, but feeling short on time, energy, or budget?

Check out The Career Pivot Package - The Essentials! You’ll get 1:1 coaching, but in a condensed format!

Instead of 6 calls + Resume Refresh + bonuses, you’ll receive 3 calls + Resume Refresh + bonuses. Designed to meet you exactly where you are!

Questions? I have answers!


Q: what job industries do you work with?

A: In summary, I assist professionals across all industries and job roles!

I have firsthand experience in diverse fields such as higher education, non-profits, the arts, banks, agriculture, farming, aerospace engineering, retail, and tech/SaaS. Additionally, I have successfully hired professionals in business enablement (legal, HR, marketing, finance, etc.), engineering, product, tech operations, and early careers sectors.

While each industry may have slight variations in hiring practices, the fundamentals remain consistent. I am confident in my ability to support you on your journey, irrespective of your industry or job!

Q: This sounds awesome, but I don’t know if I can afford this package. DO you offer one-off calls?

A: Yes! While the Career Pivot Package benefits from having cumulative benefits of meeting regularly over time, I recognize that it is an investment. I offer one-off career coaching in the Ask a Career Coach Call service! These calls cover the same topics, but in an à la carte style.

Q: I would like to talk about something really specific, but I don’t see it on the list above. Could you help me with that?

If it’s in the realm of career change, I’ve navigated thousands of job change scenarios! If you’re unsure, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss if this call would be a good fit for you.

Q: How do I book the first call in the Career Pivot Package?

A: Follow this link! You’ll be walked through scheduling, a service agreement, and payment processing via Paperbell and Stripe - both secure platforms!

Thank you to Daria Pimkima and #WOCinTech for the photos! 📷


About Nicole


Hi, nice to meet you - I’m Nicole! 👋 I'm here to close the opportunity gap for women through resources and connection.

Fast facts about me:

  • Experienced recruiter with 10+ years in career access industry

  • First-generation college graduate

  • Neurodivergent, biracial woman

I’m here to:

  • Share everything I know about accessing career opportunity

  • Help you achieve your next career goal

  • Work with you to unblock your career pathway, from Resume Refreshes to hopping on a call 🔥🔥

I believe:

  • Everyone should have access to job opportunity

  • Everyone is on their own journey

  • Knowledge is wealth - spread it!

Education, job opportunity, and prosperity should be equitable and accessible to all. Join me in creating a ripple effect of positive change - one resume edit at a time!
