Hello, I’m Nicole! πŸ‘‹

With 12+ years in recruiting and career access experience, I’ve been the person on the other side of the hiring table. I’ve interviewed and hired thousands of people, managed a recruiting team, and set and negotiated hundreds of salaries. Now, I’m ready to spill my hiring secrets with you! πŸ’ͺ

Career success isn't a solo journey. Let's team up and achieve your goals together!


I help you access upward mobility through career transformation. ⚑️

Education, job opportunity, and prosperity should be equitable and accessible to all.



Let’s work together!

Below are three of the most popular services with my clients!




Everyone is on their own journey

My role as your career coach is to meet you exactly where you are on your career path and provide appropriate guidance. You have different needs than the person in the office next to you, and my work is offer tailored, empathetic, person-centered guidance.


Everyone deserves opportunity

Equitable access to career opportunity should be available to everyone, regardless of racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual and romantic orientation, age, geography, ability, parenthood status, economic upbringing, education level… regardless of ANYTHING! Everyone should have the ability to work and provide a livelihood with dignity.


Knowledge is wealth - spread it

I’d like to feed you fish, but I would LOVE to teach you to fish! All services and products are designed to not only help you with your career journey today, but to teach best practices for the future. My goal is that you can apply what you learn from working with me today to your entire career… and teach your community, creating a vast network of empowered folks.
